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Your decree to manifest a partner



First take a piece of paper and draw a lign in the middle in order to form two equal colomns.


On the top of the first column write: How I am

On the rop of the second: how he (she) is


Be honnest with yourself about your own description. For the other person, describe him (her) precisely with the qualities which are the most important to you. About 10 are enough.


When you are ready, speak loudly the decree as follows:


I know that somewhere someone needs me as much as I need him (her).

He(she) desires me as much as I desire him (her) and we complete each other perfectly in order to live an interesting and constructive life based on authentic love and complicity.


This person is like this: (read the description from your second colomn)


I am like this: (read your own description)


Our meeting is the richest realization in this life for both of us. We appreciate and are happy with each other as we are.


The Infint Intelligence knows where we are and in this precise moment It will start to move under the appearances in order to join us.


I release my intention to the Universe, trusting that the secret streems of his activity are on the move towards our desir.


The univers knows the ways and the means. The universal laws of attraction and affinity are in action now.


I trust the infint spirit that has join all the beautiful couples by synchronicity. It has in his mind all willing soul and my patient waiting gives the signal to start the movement of attraction.


The universe knows only perfection, so he can complete two lives by joining them together. So be it.


Now fold the document by the middle and leave it in a secure place. When the meeting will take place you will recognize each other by the synchronicities which instigated it.


You can only attract someone who is a match  to your vibration.




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