Space clearing

Did you sometimes experience, when you visit a house or you enter a shop, that there are some very heavy energies which make you feel uncomfortable. So after a while you just want to exit the place as soon as possible. It is your intuition and feeling telling you that your vibration rate is dropping instead of rising.
If you have a shop, any types of clients may enter. Some are joyful, some grumpy, stressed out, and so on. All this activities and numerous passage contribute to add more of a mixture of energy. This will affect your mind state and the atmosphere. By extension, it can impact your sales and income as well as the quality of your clients relations.
It is clear that the energy sensitive people will feel these negative influences first but also all those relying on their instinct.
The walls and objects keep the energetic memory of the past and tend to spread it out in the environnement.
So why wait more time ?
Don't waist your time with these disturbances, when you can get a very simple and efficient solution. Whether it concerns your home, office, or shop where you receive people.
Instead of feeling.....
Tired and stressed
Trouble concentrating
Negative thinking
Head Aches
You could feel................
Clear headed and focused
Self confident
Happy mood
Be on track for the day
Work only remotely with lasting effect. Your space will be protected to dissipate any new negative incoming energy.
After the work, you will receive a detailed report by e-mail.
Simple - clear - efficient
Price : CHF 75.-

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