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Imagine, the Sun is finally rising in your life. The shadow sides have been transmuted into light. It is a rebirth.
Your are now able to navigate your path more secure. The wounds of the past have become history.
Welcome in the new Era of consciousness. The power and action have been restored.
If your are looking for your own truth, a confirmation of unresolved blocages. You are at the right place, right moment.
The realm of the soul and its expression in this reality and its healing have always been part of my journey.
I read the akashic records in the context of Soul history, its karma, ancestral interferences and personal consequences.
It is possible to heal the remembering while keeping the memory.
To be free from the past.

For more articles and tips for practicale actions.
Please visit my blog
You can create your own path which is unique to you.
Why waist so much time going round without knowing yourself. Learn to assert yourself.
The change towards the Aquarius age asks you to reinvent yourself in alignment with the Earth, your Essence and the Universe....
A reading will facilitate this and much more.
It is up to you......

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